Go to Sarah and Kevs new house--
went to visit, they are having a housewarming in mayGo see Dawn when she comes to town--
went to coffee and dinner :)Kelly and Jasons wedding--
April 17! Fun time with the familyMarch of Dimes Walk--
Great time with Logan, i was so happy my whole family cameZacharys Bday Party--
Lots of people. Fun times!See Vicky and Jeremy--w
ent to dinner at their house before work...not very long but it was fun!Go to a cavs game with Lorina and one with Adam-
-went to both plus a playoff game!!DIYing/Crafting:
Scrapbook 2 Pages--
I think I just did one... Take meme to Gails Garden with me to figure out flowers--
Got a bunch of flowers and plantedTry to figure out flower beds again-
--finally did it! Declutter basement for 15 minutes every time I am off work--did some...went to jeannies and had a recycle day it was great!
Wash all windows this month at some point--
our window screens get stuck so it is hard to do...we need a fund for new windows. But i did vacuum out all the screens this month!Cooking:
Make 2 vegetarian recipes--we made homemade pizza, not veggie...and I forget what else we had...
Go running at least 4 times this month--
I did it! and I went with Jeannie it was a good runWork:
Work part time at Hillcrest and Full time at Rainbow until April 24---
Got called off a few shifts this month...May-
Britt bday dinner
Sarah and Kevin Housewarming
Have a fire with our friends
See Vicky and Jeremy
Chicago for 5 days!!
See Trish and Linda
Meet up with Sean and Mandy for wedding gift
Read a book
If adam and I have a day off: take a scooter ride to kent or hike cuyahoga valley national park
Scrapbook 10 Pages, hopefully I can do this in chicago!
Buy some mulch and top soil for the flower beds
Start painting bathroom??
Go through pantry this month and clean out kitchen cabinets
Make 2 vegetarian recipes--I gotta try this again
Citrus Fish is gonna be made tomorrow...
Having surgery on may 18
Preadmission testing May 4
Run 4 miles at least during one run and run every day in chicago and once a week at home except the surgery week
Work a contract at hillcrest with one day a week at rbc