Deena over at A peek at my bookshelf is giving away 30 books in 30 days! I love to read on my downtime, what a great opportunity she is giving us to win!! Check it out!!
Also Homemakers Resource is giving away coupons again! Check that out!!!
My Short Term Financial Goals by November
So, I started a new job until november so I wanted to try to set some financial goals. Adam and I just had our wedding and I am trying to refund my savings from that. So, heres what we got so far:- Our HouseFund: 21,256
- My Checkings (high interest): $10,975
- My Checkings (no interest): $1,977.19
- CD at huntington (expiring in march):$5,783.43
- CD at huntington (expiring this month): $774.00
- Adam Checkings (high interest): $1,238.00
- Bank of America: $79
- Roth: $8,900
- Credit Card debt: $348.00
- Credit Card debt: $3,000 (new scooter) no payments or interest for 6 months
- 401k: $2301.46
- Start contributing to my Roth this year and max out by April
- Start contributing to my 401k again with matching
- Pay off credit card each month
- Split paycheck between housefund and high interest checking every 2 weeks
- Pay off scooter
- Make 2 payments to Adams student loans
On top of that I want to save for christmas presents, my dads birthday present and pay the monthly bills. I am going to use as many coupons as possible. Whatever our savings is on our grocery bill I will contribute that money into Adam's high interest checking (our hot tub fund). I am also going to try to get $100 or more in Chacha extra money (currently at $64). I am also going to work as much overtime as I can! Incase you are wondering i have a "low interest" account is because my direct deposit and automatic bill payments come out of there. I am workin on getting that changed...
So theres the goals. I will revisit this post next month and update the status. Wish me luck!! Any tips are welcomed :)
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