Fax our tax to the tax preparers--done they are currently reviewing them! Still need to send one more w2--total of 12 all together!!
Go on a hike to the falls and eat out at IHOP for free pancake day--did that! it was rainy but alot of fun! I should post some pictures...
Go to walgreens and get some deals---did awesome this week! Paid $2 for a whole bunch of stuff including 12 candy bars, gilette razor, lipgloss, foil etc!
Work a bunch of days--no cancelling me this week thank god...tonight I work 8 hours then not again til monday
ChaCha 10 times a day--I didnt do as much as i should have but definitly more than usual!
Run at least 4 days a week with Adam- I ran 3 days this week, which I was happy with because we went hiking too!
My goals this week
- Get 3 references this week from work to apply with new travel companies (for more jobs)
- Scrapbook 2 pages this week
- No eating out at least until St Patricks day...i need some recipes
- Chacha at least 10 times a day again
- Run 3-4 times this week with Adam
- Get financial review done for Feb
- Finish Book and bring it back to the library on Sunday