- Pay off Adams Small Loan by December--currently at: $3245.22---we will use the rebates from our cc next month
- Get Emergency Fund Back to $5000-- currently $4514.32--added $960 this month, we have a new strategy of rolling all the money into one fund at a time and getting it to our goal.
- Keep paying Adams Big Loan--extra payments once small loan is gone-- currently at $36,006.85, paid off about 500 this month including our thankyou rewards check
- Pay all medical bills etc with HSA Fund-- waiting on the surgery claim...paid $87 last month
- Continue to contribute the max to my Roth $5000-- 2010 roth-currently at $1,707.00
- Start Boiler Fund and buy a boiler this year with tax credit Save $2000-- currently $969.76 added $182.90 this month
- Get Baby Fund up to $5500 at least--currently at $3385.69 added nothing this month
- Get Vacation fund to $1000--currently $60.69-added nothing this month
- Start IKEA fund so we can go on a shopping spree haha ($1000 goal)- currently at $540.98
- Save $40 in HSA fund--currently we have two HSA balances: 220.01 and 446.59
- No More than $200/mo on groceries--May $246...a little over
- Free/Cheap stockups at drugstores- got $3 from surveys in May
- Paint upstairs bathroom orange-- bought paint 1/10
- Put in new toilet and plumbing downstairs done 5/10
- Get window treatments for bedrooms done 5/10
- Put in new toilet upstairs done 5/10
- Get closet doors
- Install toilet and sink done 5/10
- Paint downstairs bathroom-- bought paint 1/10
- Install bathroom floor--floor boards are down! 3/10
- Paint computer room
- Install Floor in computer room
- Paint Guest Bedroom--Base Coat and Closet are painted! 2/10
- Buy carpet for guest bedroom
- Buy floor for downstairs bathroom--bought 4/10
- Redo electrical box- done 3/10
- Get all downstairs plumbing done--done 3/10
- Get Drywall done in downstairs bathroom-- done! 3/10
- Put downstairs bathroom floor in done 5/10!
- Paint Bathroom done 5/10!
- Buy bathroom sink- done 4/10
- Install dryer
- Install cabinet in bathroom
- Install countertop in bathroom
- Buy upstairs carpet for guest room
- Move 401k from Principal to Fidelity in may 2010--will look into this 5/10, forgot to do that...try this month
- Pay off Credit Card biweekly--paid!
- Opening a Chase checking because they are giving away $150
- Once we get the Schwab card, get rid of Citi---one more bill to pay for citi!
$200 mo groceries spent $246
$280 mo gas $172/mo
$600 year auto repair 450! adam got in a fender bender...thank god for emergency fund
$50 mo electricity --$44.12!
$50 mo clothing--spent $41 on scrubs!
$100 fast food/dining--$200... from chicago
$40 Water quarterly--1/10 $31.41
Added Goals
- Start Cavs fund when our first fund reaches its goal and small loan is paid off
- pay one fund at a time and get to the goal of the emergency fund $5000 first
- Keep paying Adams Big Loan--extra payments once small loan is gone
- Save $40 in HSA fund
- Get all funds done then make emergency fund $10000
- Get bank account to $10000 pay off medical bills and then pay off adams small loan
- Consider Refinancing our House---not worth it with our mortgage company
- Redo downstairs plumbing ($1100)--paid 1/7 and 1/21
- Continue to contribute the max to my Roth $5000--Maxed 2/8
- Close Huntington and move money to northwest saving--2/10
- Pay $450 more for basement plumbing done! done 3/5
- Buy Cavs season tickets...make a fund next year!--bought 3/10
- Use Thank You rewards for Adams Loans-- used them! 5/10
- Opening a Schwab 2% Cash back card--will use all cash back for Adams loans 5/10
- Pay off Adams Small Loan by March
- Talk with Wells Fargo, they want to refinance our home--ill wait til they call again, havent had time to meet with him
- Save at least $300 for Sean and Mandys wedding in Disney-We decided that its not a good idea to go due to my surgery costs :( We are sad about it.
- Look into different mutual funds for Roth...--i still dont know what i am doing with this..
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