Take Zak to the Little Cooks
Sean and Mandys Wedding
BBQ Party Hopefully
Meet Meghann for coffee
Go on a walk with Carolyn and Landon
Go to Wintergreen Hill Summer Picnic
Hangout with Sarah and Kevin
See Tom Green
Relay for Life
Read a book
Have a fire with friends
Take scooter ride to kent
Go on a hike to the waterfalls with adam
Scrapbook 2 pages
Meet up with Lorina and help her scrapbook
Pick raspberries
Get dryer hooked up
Get towel rack up
Make one new recipe every week!
Make a new dessert
Make a new dessert
Ride bike twice a week
Yoga twice a week
Work a contract at hillcrest
One day a week at Tripoint
Look into RNC
June Review-
Grandpas Party June 12--Grandma and Grandpa got sick :(
See Dawn when she comes home and get pedicures
Jeannie and Adams MCdonalds party
See Sarah and Kevin again-- Went to sushi with Sarah but no kevin :(
Read a book--Started
Have a fire with friends--still havent done that!
Meet up with sean and mandy to give wedding gift didnt get to!
Take scooter ride to kent---not yet...
Scrapbook 2 pages, just got to do one...
Meet up with Lorina and help her scrapbook
Weed the raspberries
Plant watermelon
Plant strawberries
Put up bathroom mirror, toilet paper roll and towel rack--still waiting on towel rack
Buy cleaning supplies for downstairs bathroom
Work a contract at hillcrest--did it!
Interview at tripoint--got hired and started!
Go agency at rbc--no positions, I quit
Yoga twice a week
Work a contract at hillcrest
One day a week at Tripoint
Look into RNC
June Review-
Grandpas Party June 12--Grandma and Grandpa got sick :(
See Dawn when she comes home and get pedicures
Jeannie and Adams MCdonalds party
See Sarah and Kevin again-- Went to sushi with Sarah but no kevin :(
Read a book--Started
Have a fire with friends--still havent done that!
Meet up with sean and mandy to give wedding gift didnt get to!
Take scooter ride to kent---not yet...
Scrapbook 2 pages, just got to do one...
Meet up with Lorina and help her scrapbook
Plant watermelon
Plant strawberries
Get bathroom floor in
Wash our comforter once the washer and dryer are in--not in yetPut up bathroom mirror, toilet paper roll and towel rack--still waiting on towel rack
Buy cleaning supplies for downstairs bathroom
Make one new recipe every 2 weeks--made Stuffed Eggplants and Cheesy Lasagna Roll ups! Both were great!
Run twice a week!--I was doing good until this week, been working 9 nights in a row, only ran once, no energyWork:
Work a contract at hillcrest--did it!
Interview at tripoint--got hired and started!
Go agency at rbc--no positions, I quit
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