- Get Paperwork Done for First Assist agency faxed in on Thursday
- Run with Adam hopefully the weather is good--the weather is so cold! Have not ran this week,
- Go Hiking on tues if the weather is nice, if not we are going to go shopping--we went to the underground tour of seattle, it was awesome. We also went to University district and shopped at the vintage stores!
- File paperwork into the filebox--did it..i need a bigger file box
- Go through coupons and get to walgreens--got 2 free glade sense and spray and 4 free garnier shampoo
- Make one scrapbook page--I made 2 here they are
My goals this week
- Make one scrapbook page
- Try to work 12 hours on friday and pick up saturday OT--if not chacha 30 times that night
- Make a grocery list and checkout the walgreens/rite aid deals this week
- look for a strapless bra for my dress I bought for my cousins wedding
- look for shoes for my dress
- Finish book and start a new one!
Looks like you did very well on your goals last week, good job!!
Good luck on this weeks goals.
nice scrapbook pages!!
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